Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Book Blitz: Nearly Almost Somebody by Caroline Batten

Nearly Almost Somebody

About The Book:

Title: Nearly Almost Somebody
Author: Caroline Batten
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Release Date: March 26, 2015
Purchase: Amazon

She’s nearly perfect – He’s almost the one

When Patrick’s caught in flagrante with a local beauty queen, his father delivers an ultimatum: one more newspaper scandal and Patrick will be out on his ear. Desperate not to lose his job at the family veterinary practice,
Patrick needs to avoid trouble – and girls like Libby.

The Broken Ballerina’s a headline waiting to happen, but mourning her short-lived career as a dancer, Libby casts a Wiccan spell to summon a new love: Good-looking, honest, non-brown eyes, English, good with animals… in a nutshell, she summons Patrick.

But fighting Libby’s love spell will be the least of Patrick’s problems when an old lady dies from a ketamine overdose – ketamine stole from his surgery.

Witchcraft, Scandal, Murder...

Will anyone find their perfect Somebody?

Nearly Almost Somebody: Track List

© Caroline Batten 2015

Take Me to Church – Hozier

Chandelier – Sia

Whispers In the Dark – Mumford & Sons

Dog Days Are Over – Florence & the Machine

Lover’s Eyes - Mumford & Sons

You And I – Lady Gaga

Say Something – A Great Big World / Christina Aguilera

Read All About It РEmeli Sand̩

I Will Wait – Mumford & Sons

Budapest – George Ezra

About The Author:

Caroline lives in the Lake District with her husband, small child and two Kune Kune pigs.

She daydreams of one day owning a pair of Louboutin's and having somewhere fabulous to wear them. Until then, she'll be found plodding up a mountain in her trusty hiking boots.

#forfeit is Caroline's debut novel. Her follow up, Nearly Almost Somebody is also available from Amazon.

Caroline Batten - The Interview:

Caroline is the author of #Forfeit and Nearly Almost Somebody, contemporary romances she likes to call “Chick Lit with Edge” – forget shoe-shopping and cupcakes, expect binge drinking, eating disorders and Class A drug-taking.

#Forfeit is the sordid tale of five friends who play a game of increasingly dangerous dares. Nearly Almost Somebody is filled with Wiccan love spells, murder and local scandal. Where do you get your inspiration from?
Anywhere I can. Music, films, the Antiques Roadshow.

Totes. It’s where I saw the antique forfeit ball that Daisy rolls in the book.

Tell us your usual writing routine.
I work full-time, we have a 6 year-old daughter and we’re renovating an old farmhouse - writing routine, you say? Lol. There isn’t one. When I’m in the zone, I’ll write whenever and wherever I can, but when I’m not... life does get in the way.

Life? How much time do you spend procrastinating on Facebook?
Yeah. That.

Do you have a favourite snack when you are in your writing zone?
Does Prosecco with a sliced strawberry in count as a snack?

What was the first book you remember reading and enjoying?
Without a doubt, Jill’s Gymkhana by Ruby Ferguson.

Did you have a favourite literary hero/heroine as a child?
That would be the Jill with the gymkhana. The girl was a superstar. Practical, witty, sharp, utterly dismissive of all things soppy - including her own mother’s nauseating Enid Blyton style books. She dreamed of becoming the first female MFH and so introduced me at the tender age of nine to equality and sex discrimination. And she beats the rich girl in the gymkhana. Hurrah.

What's the wine in that glass?
Er... Prosecco. Obvs.

Have you ever given up on a manuscript because it just wasn't working?
No. A few times people told me to put Forfeit in a drawer and move on, but I couldn’t. I loved Daisy and Xander too much to give up on them and the story.

Do your sex scenes make you horny?
*Blushes* A wise friend once told me to write books that I wanted to read because chances are someone else would want to read them too. Another wise friend, Kitty French told me to write sex scenes as though no one would ever read them. Put the two together...

Zoe’s a bit of a loose-moralled minx–
She’s great, right? I loved writing her scenes.

Will we see more of her in your next book?
You’re not the first person to ask that.

No. Sorry.

What can your readers look forward to?
Afterglow should be out later this year. It’s about backpackers getting up to no good in Bondi Beach.

You said, ‘should be.’ Does that mean you’re not in the zone yet?
*Is watching cat videos on Facebook* Sorry, what?

You went to a Book Signing earlier this year. Are you planning any more?
Yes. Dublin and Birmingham this July, then Aberdeen in August. Oh, and Dublin again in 2016.

Is there any of that Prosecco left?
Yes. But I’m not sharing. :p

Any advice for aspiring authors?
Drink less.


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