Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Release Day: Stepsister Devotion by Eve Cates

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About The Book:

Title: StepSister Devotion: The Complete Series 
Author: Eve Cates
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: April 29, 2015
Purchase: Amazon US | UK | B&N | iBooks

Forbidden love between a stepbrother and a stepsister. Told from the male point of view. 18+ due to sex scenes and language.

She had me at the word ‘Run’.

I first met my stepsister, Abigail Dorset a wedding – my father had left my mom and married hers; I went there expecting to hate her.

Instead, I found something much worse…I found my soul mate. It was in the form of a girl who looked just like Snow White, and just like in the fairy tale, there was a wicked stepmother who would do everything in her power to keep control over her daughter’s destiny. Being a Dorset meant you have to marry into the right gene pool and appear to be of the highest moral code. Abigail’s life was mapped out the day she was born. I was seen as bump in the road – a deviant boy who needed to be avoided at all costs. So my stepmother kept us apart…or so she thought…

From the moment we met, Abigail and I knew there was something – some invisible force that makes two people want the one thing they can’t have. But we wanted it anyway. Over the years, we would fight and lie, sneak and hide – we’d hurt those around us in our need to be together in whatever way we could.

But most of all, we’d hurt each other and we’d hurt ourselves, all in a bid to figure it out and find a way to finally be together because every day we spend apart feels like dying.

A life with love is magical. Without it, living is torture.

Follow Sebastian Hawke and Abigail Dorset as they embark of a journey of love and devotion, kept secret, spanning years. Watch, as it drives them together and tears them apart before bringing them together again, older and wiser, ready to find a way – to do whatever it takes – because being apart from the one person you were born to love, isn’t an option.


Standing on the edge of the pool, I roll my shoulders and twist at the waist, loosening up before leaning forward and diving. The cool wet surrounds my body as I jet through it, rising to the surface and dragging my body through the water, lap after lap up and down, quieting my mind that never seems to stop thinking, harassing me with the voices of doubt and negativity, all telling me I’m worthless and I don’t belong. They tell me I’m a deviant. And maybe I am...

I’m not who they think I am. I’m not what they think I am. They don’t even know me.

As I swim, I try not to think about my dad and his lack of caring – his lack of confidence in me. I try not to think of the life we had before he traded in happiness for material possessions.

Faster and faster I swim, my arms and legs, churning through the water as my chest heaves with the effort. I focus on the ache of my body. The breath as I hold it in my chest. It’s always so much harder to be calm here. I don't know why he preferred this, even with all the stuff around; it's the loneliest place I’ve ever been to. And in the quiet, my mind wins.

Reaching the end of another lap, I roll my body to change directions and rocket off the side of the pool, propelling myself under the water. Just as I'm about to rise to the surface, a vision appears beneath me. It all happens so fast that it takes a while before my brain catches up with what’s happening, and I swear I’m seeing things. But then a pair of lips press against mine, shocking me into reality as I’m faced with a set of amused blue eyes. I jerk backwards in surprise and plant my feet, standing up in the center of the pool. My chest heaves from exertion and surprise as I wipe my hand over my face and watch as Abi emerges from the water like the lady of the lake, so fucking stunning as she rises from the water, water pouring from her body, running between her round breasts that are covered with only the smallest pieces of blue fabric. My fucking cock twitches and the word ‘deviant’ flashes in my mind as I force myself to look away and keep my hands by my sides, when all I really want to do is grab her by that dark hair and kiss that giant smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask immediately, using aggression to cover what I’m really thinking. “You’re never here at the same time as me.”
She shrugs and pulls her long hair over her shoulder, wringing out the water. It runs down her breast and my eyes follow the stream. Did I just growl?
"School's out, and I’m not doing summer courses when this is the last summer before college. I want to have a bit of fun for a change. But it’s nice to see you too. It's only been four years, brother."

My brow furrows. "Don't kiss me then call me brother."

She grins. "Why? It's not like I stuck the tongue in." She uses her hand to nudge me playfully in the chest and I catch her by the wrist, holding her hand against me as I look into her eyes while mine burn with a long held desire.
“Because right now, I’m not feeling very brotherly toward you.”
Her mouth drops open and she lets out a tiny gasp. It’s so fucking sexy that I immediately picture her doing that with my face buried between her thighs. My thumb slides up and down her wrist as her hand presses against my chest, able to feel the increasing rhythm of my heart and the rise and fall of my rapid breathing. Slowly, my eyes absorb the sight of her; taking in the changes of her face, her curves, her hair… I get that same tightening in my guts that I did when I first met her. Time hasn’t lessened my reaction to having her in front of me. But now that I'm older, I know exactly what it is. And I know it's not the way I should be feeling around my stepsister.


My eyes drop to her mouth and the most powerful urge to grab her and bite those plump lips of hers, assaults my mind, and I have to release her hand and look away to force it out of my mind or I’m going to lose control and do just that.
It would be stupid. We’re out in the fucking open. What am I doing?

“Just. Don’t,” I say, my frown returning as I step away. “You shouldn’t have come.”

About The Author:

Eve Cates is a twenty-something author of contemporary erotic romance. She loves all things naughty, demanding men and difficult situations (pass the popcorn please). Her first series, StepSister Devotion, will be told in four parts, releasing via Kindle Unlimited.

Eve has loved writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and penned a note to her imaginary friend 'Pok'. Accused of being a 'dreamer' as she grew, she's taken that notion and turned her daydreams into stories to delight and satisfy her readers.

When she isn't writing, you'll find her at home with her husband, four children, and two dogs.


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