Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cover Reveal: Leap of Faith by ML Rodriguez


About The Book:

Title: Leap of Faith 
Author: ML Rodriguez 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: May 26, 2015 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

I met Jake when I was seventeen and at eighteen, I became his wife. The years that followed were enchanted, like a fairy tale romance.

Then, in the blink of an eye, my perfect world unraveled—I lost a part of myself and my dreams shattered around me.

At twenty-five, I was left a widow, pregnant, and mother of two.

Fast forward almost five years—I exist but I don’t “live”. I had to learn to live without him, with only our memories and my tears. I raised our children, and I lived his dream, without a thought to myself.

That is, until the day at the stoplight, when a pair of violet eyes stared back at me. In that moment, the numbness started to disappear, and lightning hit, changing my world once again.


About The Author:

ML is currently stationed overseas with her very supporting and loving husband and her two beautiful little monsters. She’s a stay-at-home-mom who’s constantly on the move—whoever said staying home was all about watching television and sitting on the couch, was totally and completely wrong, it’s demanding but fulfilling.

When she’s not writing down her “ideas,” she can be found with her Kindle in hand or trying to catch up on the piles of clean laundry that need folding and house work. Her obsessions are Luke Bryan, coffee, dark chocolate, the color purple (the actual color), and romance novels—the happily ever after kind, of course.

After years of, “You should try writing, you read all the time,” comments from her husband and a chance meeting by the city pool that involved a Fan Girl moment (can you guess the author?), ML decided to take a leap of faith into the amazing and exciting world of writing.

To all the wonderful people who will read her work—hate it, like it, love it—THANK YOU! Thank you, for giving her a chance. <3



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