by Lynn Vroman
Release Date: 02/03/15
260 pages
Summary from Goodreads:
Last spring, Lena discovered who she was.
Now all she wants to do is move on—and find a way to be with Tarek, the new Warden of Arcus and the love of her life. Even though worlds separate them now, she holds onto the hope they’ll be together again. Until then, Lena focuses on being truly happy for the first time in her life…this life. She has new friends, an apartment free from her abusive father, and the chance to live a normal life.
But for Lena, the past never stays gone.
A woman from another lifetime reveals Cassondra, Exemplian’s new authority commander, is seeking revenge against Tarek for killing her brother. There is only one way to end this new threat…
This time, it will take more than Wilma to keep the monsters away. It’ll take an entire army–an army who remembers Lena from her past life, and who might just want her dead, too.
Lena’s past will shape her future more than she could ever imagine.
Now all she wants to do is move on—and find a way to be with Tarek, the new Warden of Arcus and the love of her life. Even though worlds separate them now, she holds onto the hope they’ll be together again. Until then, Lena focuses on being truly happy for the first time in her life…this life. She has new friends, an apartment free from her abusive father, and the chance to live a normal life.
But for Lena, the past never stays gone.
A woman from another lifetime reveals Cassondra, Exemplian’s new authority commander, is seeking revenge against Tarek for killing her brother. There is only one way to end this new threat…
This time, it will take more than Wilma to keep the monsters away. It’ll take an entire army–an army who remembers Lena from her past life, and who might just want her dead, too.
Lena’s past will shape her future more than she could ever imagine.
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Before I could take a step, Farren stopped, a hand going to his head.
Shit. Shit!
The unmarked that wasn't by my house, squealed to a stop, not three feet away from Farren. Impressive, seeing as how Farren stood in a backyard, complete with an herb garden and swing set.
Over the din of the sirens, Farren waved his hand, and mouthed, Go to Wilma's.
I threw my bag into the bush and went to stand by his side.
He wasn't having it, shoving me hard toward the bank. "Don't be fucking stupid."
"I'm not leaving you."
Two men left the car, doors staying wide open, and approached us, interrupting our argument. Both had smirks on their plastic-looking faces. Before I had a chance to get into the fight, Farren charged both with one of those war cries heard in movies involving angry Highlanders.
The noise surprised the two Protectors for seconds. But seconds were all Farren needed. Holding his arms wide, he clotheslined both in their necks. They dropped, but jumped right back up, double-teaming him.
I raced to one, kicking him behind the knee before smashing my elbow in his back. He screeched, rolling off Farren, who got busy bashing the face of the other one he managed to hold under his weight.
My guy wasn't done, either. He stumbled to his feet and charged me. Before he could tackle my ass to the ground, Farren grabbed the guy's ankles, which unfortunately helped free his target. "Run!"
I still didn't want to listen, especially when both guys pounced on him, giving Farren a proper beating. Feeling desperate, though, I ran. Ran until I made it to the fire–and to all the cops standing around said fire. I had to hold the edge of my T-shirt against my face, the smoke invading my lungs and stinging my eyes. "Help! That guy from TV's beating up two cops!"
At least five cops turned in my direction, including Frumpy and Robo. When they didn't move, I repeated, "The guy. From TV. Is. Beating up. Two cops."
They finally sprang into action, following me as I took them to Farren. Right as we got there, one Protector had his arm raised about to open his fist, while his other arm curled around Farren's neck.
"No!" I ran, prepared to tackle the bastard, when hands cinched my waist.
Shit. Shit!
The unmarked that wasn't by my house, squealed to a stop, not three feet away from Farren. Impressive, seeing as how Farren stood in a backyard, complete with an herb garden and swing set.
Over the din of the sirens, Farren waved his hand, and mouthed, Go to Wilma's.
I threw my bag into the bush and went to stand by his side.
He wasn't having it, shoving me hard toward the bank. "Don't be fucking stupid."
"I'm not leaving you."
Two men left the car, doors staying wide open, and approached us, interrupting our argument. Both had smirks on their plastic-looking faces. Before I had a chance to get into the fight, Farren charged both with one of those war cries heard in movies involving angry Highlanders.
The noise surprised the two Protectors for seconds. But seconds were all Farren needed. Holding his arms wide, he clotheslined both in their necks. They dropped, but jumped right back up, double-teaming him.
I raced to one, kicking him behind the knee before smashing my elbow in his back. He screeched, rolling off Farren, who got busy bashing the face of the other one he managed to hold under his weight.
My guy wasn't done, either. He stumbled to his feet and charged me. Before he could tackle my ass to the ground, Farren grabbed the guy's ankles, which unfortunately helped free his target. "Run!"
I still didn't want to listen, especially when both guys pounced on him, giving Farren a proper beating. Feeling desperate, though, I ran. Ran until I made it to the fire–and to all the cops standing around said fire. I had to hold the edge of my T-shirt against my face, the smoke invading my lungs and stinging my eyes. "Help! That guy from TV's beating up two cops!"
At least five cops turned in my direction, including Frumpy and Robo. When they didn't move, I repeated, "The guy. From TV. Is. Beating up. Two cops."
They finally sprang into action, following me as I took them to Farren. Right as we got there, one Protector had his arm raised about to open his fist, while his other arm curled around Farren's neck.
"No!" I ran, prepared to tackle the bastard, when hands cinched my waist.
Book One:
Tainted Energy
by Lynn Vroman
Release Date: 2014
Summary from Goodreads:
For seventeen-year-old Lena, living in the trailer park with the rest of town’s throwaways isn’t exactly paradise. Dealing with a drunken father who can't keep his fists to himself doesn’t help matters either. The only good thing in her life, other than track, is the mysterious man who visits her dreams, promising to find her.
When a chair burns her arms, Lena chalks it up to stress-induced crazy. Yet as bizarre incidents escalate, even being crazy can’t explain it all away… until one day dream guy does find her.
Tarek lost Lena seventeen years ago after she was accused of treason and marked Tainted. He finally discovers her reborn on Earth into a life of suffering as punishment for her crime.
However, someone else has already found her… and wants her dead. Willing to sacrifice everything, he fights to keep her safe so she can live the only life she’s ever known—even if that life doesn’t include him.
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