Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Tour: One Great Year by Tamara Veitch & Rene Defazio

Welcome to my tour stop for One Great Year by Tamara Veitch and Rene Defazio. This is an adult book that has romance, historical fiction, literary fiction, philosophical fiction, fantasy, science fiction and adventure.  The tour runs March 9-20 with reviews, author interviews, excerpts and a few guest posts.

About The Book:

An epic, thought-provoking tale of reincarnation, love, and the struggle of good against evil. 

As the world descends from a Golden Age into darkness and brutality, Marcus has been reincarnated an exhausting number of times. Selected to become an Emissary, it is his duty to protect the ancient secrets. His adventure is heightened because he secretly consumes a serum that allows him to have memory from one lifetime to the next. In doing so, he sets himself up for thousands of years of torment, loneliness, and searching. 

Desperate to never forget his soulmate, Theron, and never sure if he was truly meant to be an Emissary, Marcus struggles through lifetimes to overcome his cruel and powerful nemesis, Helghul.

Fusing the adventure of Indiana Jones with the introspection and wisdom of Eckhart Tolle, One Great Year takes readers on an epic journey through history, following characters who are born and reborn as they struggle to triumph over evil.

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One Great Year  pages 67-68
“Please, Marcus, help me!” Grey Elder called, limping faster toward the wharf. Theron trudged on, nearly there, and Marcus made up his mind. He let go of Theron’s hand.

“I’ll be right back, go on!” he said. She understood and lowered her head against the weather. He turned and sprinted back the hundred yards across the shaking ground to help the older man. He wrapped his arm under Grey Elder’s own, and they turned back toward the boats. Theron stood on the bow of the ship, beaten by the rain, wind, and spray. She turned just in time to see them lift the gangplank, struggling in the brutal conditions to pull it in.

“No!” she shouted, running to stop them. “You have to wait, he’s coming!” Her voice was lost in the storm and the reed boat was pulling away. Theron heard a voice, a powerful reminder within her that told her to remember her purpose, but her connection to Marcus was too overpowering and she was determined to stay with him. She instinctively sprinted to jump the three-foot gap over the water back to the wharf. She knew there was another boat; she and Marcus would take the last boat. Just as she leapt, a strong arm swung out to stop her. She was held from behind by the waist while she struggled.

“Let me go! I have to go back!” she shouted, but the grip was relentless and the gap between the wharf and the boat grew—five, twenty, a hundred yards—and a wave lifted and carried them beyond chance.

Marcus watched from the shore, running and fully carrying Grey Elder. The boat had pulled away and he had seen his Theron, first waiting and then running to come back to him. He had watched as she had collapsed, the boat too far to reach. Helghul held her snugly, not loosening his grip as she fell helplessly to her knees. From behind her he smiled triumphantly as Marcus charged the dock, releasing Grey Elder. Helghul watched his rival, who stood on the shore shouting, railing, arms outstretched uselessly reaching to sea, but his pain and anger were lost in the night.

Marcus watched as Theron’s ship was tossed and carried farther away. He howled in anguish, and his heart exploded to pieces in his chest.

“I am so sorry, my son,” Grey Elder said. Marcus couldn’t hear him, couldn’t see, and couldn’t fathom anything but his blinding pain.

She’s gone! I’ve lost her, he thought, unable to stem the tide of his grief. Grey Elder realized he must act quickly.

“This is the last boat, Marcus; you can find Theron when we reach our destination. We have to get on the boat, Marcus!” He continued to say his name and reassure him. 

“If she is on a ship you can find her when we land! Marcus, this is your only hope!” he bellowed. Grey Elder needed Marcus.

Robotically Marcus let himself be commanded, and he carried the Elder across the unstable wharf to the last remaining boat. They boarded just in time, and Marcus rushed to the deck, desperately searching the angry black horizon for Theron’s vessel… 

He saw another ship like his own in the distance. There on the deck he saw Theron. Another wave lifted them, and just before they fell from sight, Marcus made out Helghul next to her. Even through the dark

storm he imagined the smug, gleeful smile on the man’s face.

About The Author:

Tamara-and-Rene-265 (1)What happens when two passionate writer-artists fall in love and decide to make an uncommon life together? The award-winning novel One Great Year and its forthcoming sequels are just a few of the awesome possibilities!

Born and raised in the Vancouver area, Rene DeFazio is an actor, screenwriter and producer with numerous film and television roles to his credit, as well as countless commercials and print ads. After spending many years backpacking and filming, Rene drew upon an abundance of unusual and exciting experiences to create One Great Year. His tireless research and firsthand knowledge of exotic locations, customs, sights and smells helped to bring this epic story to life.

Tamara Veitch is a writer, artist and mother. She also grew up in the Vancouver area, and attended Simon Fraser University to study English and psychology. Tamara worked as a special education assistant for the Vancouver School Board, and later opened her own mural painting business.

One Great Year took three painstaking years to complete. Within months of its independent release, One Great Year was optioned to become a Hollywood blockbuster film trilogy. Rene and Tamara have also partnered with Greenleaf Book Group for their literary debut and U.S. release, in October 2013.

The authors are currently writing the second and third books in the One Great Year series, filming a documentary, embarking on a book tour, and offering free seminars called POD Parties (Plain ol’ Discussion about monumental topics), where they discuss the ancient history, modern science, and inspirations layered throughout One Great Year.  


Three (3) winners will get paperbacks of One Great Year 
Open Worldwide
Ends March 25

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

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