Sunday, March 22, 2015

Release Day: Raven by Dzintra Sullivan

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Book: Raven
Series: The Halfway House #2
Author: Dzintra Sullivan
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Hello, my name is Raven, or at least that's what I have always been told. I live at the Halfway House with Eloise Mayflower, my den mother. I am a paranormal, I am seventeen years old, and, oh yeah, I am a vampire.

Whenever I ask about the family I can't remember, I am met with hushed whispers and looks of deception. Something is not right; I might be a vampire, but I am not stupid.

A sexy centaur named Samuel Mane enters my world, and my future starts looking bright and exciting. When my best friend, Sorin Osmochescu, decides that Samuel is too dangerous and forbids me to see him, I have to make a choice—the only family I have ever known or my true love.

An afternoon chat with council member Rumor Winslow leaves me terrified …

A secret past?
Hidden identities?
Lives in imminent danger?
Holy sharp fangs, Batman! Who EXACTLY am I?

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Raven - copyright Author Dzintra Sullivan 2015

“Who are you hiding from, little bird?” spoken by a sultry voice from behind her. Raven jumped, her hand clasping her chest. She had been sitting across from the Halfway House, just staring at the door. There was some dense forest and a few fallen trees, they had a great pondering seat just out of the line of sight, or so she thought.
“Trying to give a girl a heart attack?” Raven asked as she added some panting for esthetic purposes.
“Wouldn’t you have to have a heart in order to have it attacked?” Samuel raised an eyebrow as he wandered in, sitting on a log a few feet away from her.
Raven’s head tilted in curiosity. What a strange comment for a human to make… unless…Raven thought hard as she looked straight at Samuel. His golden locks of rustic hair tumbling down his back was just dreamy. Raven sighed every time she saw it. Her need to reach out and touch it was almost unbearable. His eyes locked on hers as she grew more and morecurious.
“It would be hard to function without one.” Raven decided to try the ‘we’re all human,’approach, no sense in getting the council’s feathers in a flap over a simple error in judgment.
Samuel spread open his left-hand palm toward her, and with a wiggle of his eyebrows he slanted the corner of his mouth up in a wry smile. He turned his hand, allowing Raven to see the PSE tattoo on the webbing between his thumb and pointer finger.
Oh, good Lord. He’s a para, thought Raven. Trying to ground her thoughts as her hand reached for the solid wood feel of the tree stump. Just a little wiggle of his eyebrows, and I’m already tingling more than a church full of bells on a Sunday.
“What are you?” Raven whispered to Samuel, begging her voice to stay strong and steady.
Samuel chuckled, the sound deep and husky. Leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, he said, “I am anything you want me to be, little bird.”
 photo Teaser 2_zps7vsudaew.jpeg“Anything, huh? Baboon? Walrus? Dickie bird?” Raven’s laugh was not joyful, although her body was betraying her own self-control. Luckily her brain was still functioning as an adult.
“Oh, I got it. What about smoke… be some smoke and blow away on the breeze,” she stated standing up, turning her back on him and beginning to walk away. She said over her shoulder, her voice changing to a solid cold tone as she remembered what was going on at home, “‘Cause I don’t have time to play games, little boy.”
In what seemed like a split second his arms were wrapped around her waist and she was being pulled hard against his chest. Her breath escaping in small, unexpected gasps. Samuel leaned in, his lips barely separate from hers. Feeling his breath tickle her face as he began to speak, so intensely, she could look nowhere else but into his amazing eyes. Lost in the words that now danced around in her head.
“I don’t play games, little bird,” he almost growled. “I became aware of you a decade ago.” His hand crept down to cradle her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze as he pulled her hard against him. “I’ve searched this planet for you. Visiting you whenever I could in our dreams.” Samuel relished in the moment he felt Raven had melted into his arms as he ground against her, her arms wrapping tightly around his massive shoulders. “I don’t play games, little bird.” He lifted her off the ground and instinctively Raven wrapped her legs around his waist. Feeling him under her, sent her body into a dark abyss she feared she might never be found in.
“You are mine,” and with those three little words, his mouth engulfed hers. His hand reaching behind her head, his fingers entwining in her hair as he held her head in place. Samuel’s tongue delved into her mouth, twisting and turning, introducing Raven to a dance she was made to do only with him. Hearing a soft moan from Raven as she threaded her fingers into his long ruffled hair nearly did him over. Knowing he was near his limit, he pulled back to looked into her eyes. Raven opened her eyes slowly. He could see they were glazed over with passion, this was a look he wanted to gaze into every second of every day.
“What are you?” Raven whispered, her lips swollen from an abuse she never wanted to end. Smiling as she felt his chest vibrate with his chuckle.
“My name is Samuel, and I am a centaur. I am your centaur.”

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About The Author

 photo Authorimage_zpsda3923be.jpgDzintra Sullivan is a happily married mother of four amazing children. She lives on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. She has always been an avid reader starting with Enid Blyton and Judy Blume as a young girl. Quickly falling in love with the Paranormal creatures in her teen years.

 photo Author_zpsb5b49a75.jpgDzintra owns and runs the FB page Book Friends Forever, having started it to connect with other book addicts from around the world. Dzintra has always had a dream to write, and she is now living her dream. "Arkadia" is her debut novel, and book one in the Halfway House Series.

Purchase Arkadia (The Halfway House Book One)
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