Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog Tour: Elements of Chemistry, Part 2: Heat by Penny Reid

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About The Book:

Title: Heat
Series: Hypothesis #2
Author: Penny Reid
Publication Date: April 30, 2015
Purchase: Amazon | B&N | iBooks

**Blurb contains spoilers if you haven’t read Elements of Chemistry: ATTRACTION**

Four days left.
Private beach (…and boat).
Not so invisible girl.
And maybe less of a jerk-faced bully than originally thought.
What’s the worst (or the best) that could happen?

Kaitlyn is finding life outside of the science cabinet of obscurity to be quite illuminating …and so are her pants.
When things heat up between Kaitlyn Parker and Martin—previously known as the jerk-faced bully—Sandeke, she places her trust in the one person she never thought capable of earning it, let alone keeping it safe. Fortunately or unfortunately for Kaitlyn, where she gives her trust she can’t help but also give her heart.

But how will the world beyond the sanctuary of their newfound connection react to their relationship? Soon senators, chinless billionaires, and elements beyond Martin and Kaitlyn’s control want to weigh in on the young couple’s future.

Navigating the chaotic inferno of new love might be more than Kaitlyn bargained for, and much, much more than her trust—or her heart—can handle.

Elements of Chemistry:

Elements of Chemistry: HEAT is part 2 of a 3 part series (65k word novel) and ends in a cliffhanger.
Part 1 (ATTRACTION) released April 9, 2015
Part 2 (HEAT) released April 30, 2015
Part 3 (CAPTURE) will be released May 16, 2015

ღ     ღ     ღ     ღ     

My Review:

Heat (Elements of Chemistry, #2)Heat by Penny Reid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heat by Penny Reid is the second book in her Elements of Chemistry series. It continues immediately from where book one, Attraction, left off and jumps right into the story. This is a series that must be read in order and this review contains spoilers for the first book.

Martin has confronted Kaitlyn about her indifference to him. She believes he is still just a temporary thing. Why else would he leave her alone at a party and let some girl shove her tongue down his throat? Well, he was trying to NOT be a possessive jerk just as Kaitlyn requested AND he didn't ask to get kissed and pushed the girl off immediately. Once Kaitlyn is finally found, in the laundry room, reading a book, and this is explained to her, she begins to see the truth of Martin's account of events and after an emotional outburst and some yelling from the two of them, things seem to be back on the mend between them. Yay! And that's just the first chapter or so... LOL

Kaitlyn is so wonderfully contained. everything is all logic and reason purposeful. Martin, on the other hand, barely contains himself. He feels and emotes and pushes in everything. Never mind that he is a self-described "shy" person, he pushes past his own limits of comfort and has put his long term goals in action. He means to see them through to the absolute end.

When those goals, however, put him and Kaitlyn at odds what will he choose. His love with Kaitlyn or the one thing he's been after for as long as he can remember? It's a conundrum that, unfortunately does not get answered within these pages but I'm sure will be in the next and final installment of Penny's masterpiece... Capture.

The plot twists that you don't see coming, the personalities that you WILL grow to love, and the baddies that you would be willing to murder if they weren't fictional creations of text and paper. I love Penny's writing style and I always feel like her books, more than most, deserve a quiet space and peaceful time to read in. I do however drag them with me wherever and whenever I get the chance because they're her books :-D


“How long have you been up?” I scowled at him, willing my heart to calm and the brief spike of adrenaline to recede.

“For about five minutes. I was up when you knocked and I heard the door open.” He grinned down at me. His voice was deliciously roughened by sleep.
“Do you always grab girls and throw them on your bed when you wake up?”

“Only if that girl is Kaitlyn Parker.”
I appreciated that he’d just used my own line against me and I shook my head at his shenanigans. This seemed to make him happy because his eyes lit with menacing satisfaction.

But then the longer we stared at each other the thicker the air grew between us, and the more difficult it became for me to breathe. His gaze also changed and lit with a new flame, both ominous and hungry. I momentarily forgot why I was there and what my super genius idea had been. All I knew was that his look held the promise of something that was going to feel fantastic.

“I like you here,” he whispered, his eyes half lidded as they moved to my mouth, lingered there.

“You like me where?”
“In my bed. Being in my bed every morning should be one of your life rules.”
“Oh…” Every inhale felt painful, tight.
“All I can think about is touching you,” he said, lowering himself to kiss me.
It was the key phrase and it sparked my memory. I remembered why I was there. I remembered my super genius idea.

“Wait!” I said, turning my face to the side.

“Yes, wait. I have an idea and it involves you not kissing me.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.” He nuzzled my neck, licking my throat, using his hot breath to make me squirm.

“It also involves you letting me go.”
“Another terrible idea.”
“But it’s not. It’s really genius…oh!”

About The Author:

Author-Photo-Penny-Reid-300x300SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing). By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories. I hope you enjoy their stories.

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