My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Yay! Another Brazen book to obsess about. So far I have liked all of this group of books (some more than others and that's a great track record as I have read all but 2 or 3 of this group. They are fun, uncomplicated reads and are perfect for reading in between the heavier, more emotionally draining books we all love. Kind of like a sorbet of reading material.
Olivia was likeable, talented, and tough.
Blake is, well, Blake is a Marine. He's strong, loyal and passionate. He's yummy!
I had a hard time taking the Russian spy stuff seriously at first (it just sounded very 80's) but the story line worked and the love scenes were written well enough I got butterflies. Always a plus!
Some of my favorite bits from the book...
"Well, let's see now," he drawled low and deep as he looked Olivia up and down. "You got your boots on the correct feet. That's a start."
"He's one-hundred-percent, USDA Prime, that Marine. I'll give you that"
"But honey, you're better than all that. You're real. Go for who you want, not who your adoring fans want. Don't let the machine swallow you up and spit you out."
"I have a feeling I'm never going to be able to say no to you."
"Just the way I like my men. Hot, hard and willing."
Sympatico - Urban Dictionary - To share a mental connection or bond with someone, or to have a lot in common with someone.
Swearing up a blue storm in his head, he yanked open her trailer door without knocking and stormed in.
She looked up from one of the armchairs, her eyes red and her cheeks wet. What the hell? He checked his stride instantly. Female crying. Bad. Must fix. His target acquisition system kicked up to full alert, but there was no one in the room he could break in half.
He murmured lazily, "How on earth did you not know before now how sexual a creature you are?"
She answered simply, "Because I hadn't met you."
"I guess all that's left to do is tell you I love you, too. I think you're a damned fool for loving me, but who am I to argue? I give up, Liv. I surrender."
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