Wife in Name Only by Hayson Manning
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is about an estranged married couple who are reunited after a year of complete separation.
The wife (Zoe Hughes) has a honeymoon resort (purchased after she fled L.A. and her marriage) on an island in the archipelago (a chain, group or cluster of islands) of Tonga and has everyone (honeymooners etc) convinced that her and her husband are still very much together and in love. A large travel magazine contacts her, they want to do an article on her resort and her successful, loving marriage "Oh crap Sacks:
Zoe calls her husband (Rory Hughes (Being a Doctor Who fan I loved the name Rory being used)) and awkwardly requests his presence at the resort. Rory, somewhat begrudgingly acquiesces. And so begins the tale...
We get both perspectives throughout the book on the rise and fall of their marriage, where they are in their lives right now, who they are, and how they feel. We notice right away that they are still very, very much attracted to each other. Their physical (read as: Sexual) chemistry is off the charts. If only they can get their heads in order.
It's a love story with a twist here and a turn there and (thankfully) a HEA.
In general, I liked this book very much. I have a preference for the easy reads that do not have too much heartache and angst. Don't get me wrong, I like the angsty ones too, but I choose depending on how my day/week is going. As I am not that geographically minded I did have to look up a few things along the way about Tonga, but while this can be a little tedious, it is also a chance to learn something new. Overall, A Great read!
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